
盪酸哥型格大叔於New Balance Outlet限量紅總統鞋~



以1000為滿分, 990分的高標準來製鞋!!!


         new balance 990 since 1982 (壬戌狗)

#jcrewkicks: New Balance® 990 V.1 PackOur latest exclusive collaboration with New Balance featuring one of the brand’s most famous styles, reworked by us in two colorways—for the very first time anywhere. Read more here.


 50 Things You Didn't Know About New Balance


借用官網來開場 @

New Balance 於 1906 年創立於美國波士頓。
更在 2007 年被 ETHISPHERE 雜誌命名為「全世界最合乎道德的公司」
New Balance 將持續以高標準的道德規範、100% 顧客滿意度、團隊合作的精神來經營,
並期許 New Balance 成為高科技、高品質之世界運動用品的領導者。


New Balance開始賣的竟然不是鞋!


         New Balance Arch (足弓支撐器)


#1. New Balance wasn't started as a footwear company, in fact, it first sold arch supports.


New Balance於1906年創立於美國波士頓~


      BOSTON (波士頓應該是個熱愛運的城市...)


#2. Although New Balance has a strong presence in Maine, and currently operates two factories there, the brand was founded in Boston.




     William J. Riley


#3. New Balance's British roots go back to its founder, William J. Riley, who immigrated to America from England in 1906.


英國人的NB品牌創立70年後才擴展到英國... Made in England


    New Balance Made In UK

#4. It wasn't until almost 70 years after it's founding (and after William Riley's death) that the brand would expand to England,
but the company's identity is almost as much British as it is American.




    New Balance其實是three-toed foot(三趾腳)

NB three point arch support

#5. The name "New Balance" actually comes from founder William Riley observing chickens in his backyard, and how a three-toed foot best supported a body.

1927年國民革命軍還在北伐... 中國還沒統一! 
而... NB光足弓支撐器就賣美金U$ 5 那幾乎是一雙新鞋的價值~~~


Combo™想表達的是... 鐵血步兵戰士還只能穿... "草鞋"!!!

US $5 Series 2006 obverse.jpg

#6. In 1927, New Balance sold arch supports for $5: The price of a new pair of shoes.昭和金融恐慌國民革命軍北伐


當年... New Balance賣鞋是用叫賣的...


#7. New Balance's first products weren't sold in retail stores, but rather by a traveling salesman.



#8. New Balance gained its reputation by selling its arch supports to firefighters and policemen.


New Balance用奇貨(niche product)度過了經濟大蕭條~

#9. New Balance survived the Great Depression by offering a niche product, and actually expanded its business as the Depression ended.


無庸置疑... New Balance的第一雙運動鞋是~


膠底 (crepe sole) + 袋鼠皮 (kangaroo leather) since 1938

  <= New Balance 1st running shoe

#10. New Balance didn't make its first pair of sneakers until 1938, which were made for runners from a crepe sole and a black kangaroo leather upper.


New Balance  = quality = "more comfortable and serviceable"


New Balance專利工學


#11. As a testament to the brand's enduring quality, New Balance first created sneakers because it wanted to make them "more comfortable and serviceable" than other brands.


New Balance不只是只有慢跑鞋 since 1941

#12. Only three years later in 1941, New Balance had branched out to making sneakers for baseball, tennis, and boxing.


控八控控... New Balance整骨實驗室 (New Balance Orthopedic Laboratory)

#13. In 1956, New Balance actually changed its name to "New Balance Orthopedic Laboratory" to appeal towards America's fascination with science.



#14. Standing behind its product, New Balance didn't sponsor track teams, it wanted people to wear the product because they believed in the company.

New Balance「TRACKSTER」系列運動鞋上市,利用輕盈、強韌的皮革作為鞋面,
並打出「提供屬於您的寬度」吸引顧客,在 60 年代,提供寬度選擇,是很前衛的想法。

#15. New Balance, known for offering its shoes in widths, offered its first wide sneaker, the Trackster, in 1960.

New Balance 為喜歡跑步的粉絲們成立了 NBTC(TracK Club),
並首次跨足服飾產業,為社團設計了全套制服,也就是現今復刻 1978 系列的原創始祖。
此外,1978是 New Balance 開始研發 990 的起始年份,且更推出女性專用跑鞋 W320,正式開拓女性市場。

#16. New Balance met resistance from retailers because of the many products and widths it offered; it made sales too complicated.


有效才敢大聲!  和腳才敢大聲!!! by New Balance


"Show me a runner whose shoes don't fit, and i'll show you a loser"

「new balance sneakers history」的圖片搜尋結果

quảng cáo của new balance

#17. New Balance President Jim Davis once said, "Show me a runner whose shoes don't fit, and i'll show you a loser," in an ad campaign.


New Balance的第一雙跑鞋「Trackster」於1960年問市,這雙跑鞋大家一定不陌生,
就是當年在臺灣街頭人腳一雙的320系列鞋款 (現今有420復古款) ,波浪狀的鞋底是一大特色,


     NB  Trackster = nursing home adidas

「new balance first shoe」的圖片搜尋結果

#18. Terry Heckler admitted that the Trackster model looked like a "nursing home adidas."


1976 年 New Balance 推出新型跑鞋,M320,
這是第一雙鞋身繡上「N」字樣的鞋,是今日所有 New Balance 鞋的始祖。
320 以大幅度提升的輕量感、透氣性超越前身 Trackster 獲得爆炸性的販售。


   New Balance its signature "N" logo

#19. The "N" logo wasn't featured until the '70s when New Balance released the 320.

在 1975 年紐約馬拉松冠軍 Tom Fleming 穿著 M320 衝過紐約馬拉松終點線後使得 M320 名聲大噪,不少人因此慕名而來。
隔年,M320更獲得Runner's World雜誌評選為...



#20. The Trackster put New Balance on the map as a running brand, but 1976's 320 is the model made the brand a force in the running world.


老人不是行銷的菜... 但我愛!!!


    "Ma and Pa Balance"


#21. Instead of featuring athletes in advertisements, New Balance used "Ma and Pa Balance," old folks that were proto-hipsters, to market its 320 model.


#數字才是每個人對New Balance運動鞋的相同看法...

#22. Heckler gave numbers to the sneakers instead of names because he wanted an equal perception of each sneaker; letting the customers decide their favorites.


NIKE New Balance傻傻分不清出~
讓人會混淆的N logo~ 才是正港ㄟ... New Balance!!!

#23. Terry Heckler, the designer of the "N" logo, was told it would confuse people with Nike, and Heckler was happy about that comparison.

New Balance 為喜歡跑步的粉絲們成立了 NBTC(TracK Club),
並首次跨足服飾產業(APPAREL),為社團設計了全套制服,也就是現今復刻 1978 系列的原創始祖。
此外,1978是 New Balance 開始研發 990 的起始年份,且更推出女性專用跑鞋 W320,正式開拓女性市場。

「new balance running apparel」的圖片搜尋結果

#24. 1978 saw the release of New Balance's first apparel line: Gore-Tex running suits, and nylon and mesh tank-tops and shorts.

New Balance 的第一座英國製造基地在英格蘭西北部啟動。
@ NB 死忠之催淚彈-New Balance 收藏家們親歷 35 年歷史英國 Flimby 廠房之後感

#25. The Flimby factory wasn't New Balance's initial European factory; the brand first set up shop in Tralee, Ireland.


取代320的620 NB第一雙超過U$ 50的慢跑鞋 by Vibram sole

#26. New Balance's 620 was the first running sneaker that eclipsed the $50 pricepoint.


New Balance籃球運動鞋 PRIDE 480

Newspaper ad for the New Balance Pride 480, dated November 8th, 1984. Would love to see these come back! #newbalance #newbalance480 #pride480 #nb480 #nbpride480 #newbalancepride480 #1984 #80s #retrosneakers #sneakers

#27. New Balance's first basketball sneaker, the Pride 480, was worn by Boston Celtic M.L. Carr. Carr introduced brand president Jim Davis to Celtic's coach Red Auerbach, who was impressed by the brand.


James Worthy @ New Balance P740

「costacos brothers posters」的圖片搜尋結果

#28. James Worthy was signed by New Balance for $1 million, given a signature sneaker: the P740, and busted for soliciting—prompting the brand to drop his contract.


天價U$ 100的運動鞋~ new balance 990 since 1982 (壬戌狗)

#jcrewkicks: New Balance® 990 V.1 PackOur latest exclusive collaboration with New Balance featuring one of the brand’s most famous styles, reworked by us in two colorways—for the very first time anywhere. Read more here.

#29. The brand's goal became to develop the best shoes that could sell for the most money. The 990 was the first running sneaker that retailed for $100.


 NB 990是豬皮(pigskin) 不是牛皮(cowhide)!!! 還有... 麂皮材質 = 反毛皮!

#30. The buttery leather used on a lot of New Balance uppers, like the 990, is actually made from pigskin, not cowhide.


NB日系色彩繽紛! NB英倫低調奢華!


A super-bright and eccentric sneakers from New Balance Japan

「new balance encap 574」的圖片搜尋結果

An understated luxury from New Balance England.

#31. New Balance isn't just an American-based company, it has licenses in Japan and Great Britain.


然後... 開始有強國/越南/韓國製造!!!

「new balance made in china」的圖片搜尋結果 相關圖片

#32. The late '80s saw New Balance outsource some of its work to overseas factories in China, Korea, and Vietnam.


BJ4~ 黑銀配色的以色列軍隊專用的new balance 577


#33. The a black-and-silver colorway of the 577 was made specifically for the Israeli Army in the '90s.


獨家開箱 / 史上頭一遭!國軍「白豹」運動鞋近覧

「小 白 豹 運動 鞋」的圖片搜尋結果


New Balance素有總統鞋之稱號... @ new balance M1500


#34. Bill Clinton was a fan of New Balance sneakers and jogged in the 1500 model.


歌手似乎一定要配備New Balance...

#35. Phife Dawg's lyrics "I sport New Balance sneakers to avoid a narrow path," on A Tribe Called Quest's 1991 track "Buggin' Out" was a reference to one of the brand's ads.

#36. Raekwon rapped on Ghostface Killah's track "Daytona 500," "On the Island, tried to challenge God for the New Bals," proving that Air Jordans weren't the only sneakers people were getting jumped for in the '90s.


而... 台灣人與New Balance! 只有我最搖擺... 庾澄慶!!!

没有中文译名的New Balance,正携着青春浪潮呼啸而来



#37. New Balance is the last major American athletic footwear company that still makes its sneakers in America, producing roughly 20 percent of its pairs in New England.


性運動動鞋~ New Balance 800

#38. Bobbito Garcia, author of the seminal sneaker book "Where'd You Get Those?", claims the New Balance 800 is his lucky sneaker.


米國製的New Balance不是100%米國製! 其實... 只有70%...


#39. The brand's "Made in USA" sneakers aren't 100 percent made in the USA; only 70 percent of each sneaker is.



「bob cousy pf flyers」的圖片搜尋結果

#40. 2001 saw New Balance acquire legendary sneaker brand P.F. Flyers; famous not only for appearing in "The Sandlot," but also on the feet of another Boston legend, Bob Cousy.


New Balance不再"Endorsed by No One"!!!

#41. 2009 saw New Balance move away from its "Endorsed by No One" philosophy.


聲名大噪Again! 賈伯斯 by New Balance 992


#42. Steve Jobs loved New Balance sneakers, in fact, that's all he wore.


很新鮮的New Balance 574s

#43. Before Mos Def wore suits, and before people wore New Balances with suits; Mos Def wore 574s and they were fresh.




#44. The MT580 was originally only a Japanese exclusive, but eventually found its way over to the U.S. to spread its chunky love.


New Balance 998s


#45. Briefly, in 2009, Kanye West loved to wear New Balance 998s.


New Balance moment

#46. Pharrell had a brief New Balance moment, too.


New Balance自由配色

#47. New Balance got caught up in the toning trend too.


客製化總統鞋 by simple grey sneaker for Obama

OFF AND RUNNING: New Balance made custom running shoes for President Obama and gave them to him yesterday.

#48. Before he was elected for a second term, New Balance made a custom pair of 990s for President Barack Obama, which, of course, were Made in USA.


New Balance 3D列印鞋
Runners, meet the Zante Generate, the world's first high performance running shoe with a full-length 3D printed midsole.

   Zante Generate


#49. New Balance has introduced its own 3-D printing system and produced a pair of track spikes as its first project, staying true to its running heritage.

據說這是... 波士頓街頭名所 Concepts ?!


      Concepts x New Balance 999  "The Kennedy"

Concepts x New Balance 全新聯乘 999「Kennedy」鞋款

#50. Action Bronson has admitted that New Balance is his favorite sneaker brand; he even wore the Concepts x New Balance 999 "Kennedy" in his "Strictly 4 My Jeeps" video.



#51. In 2013,  New Balance launched its skateboarding line, Numeric, and looks to become a serious player in the skate industry.





這年頭New Balance 還在堅持美國製造,是傻了還是另有隱情 ...


M990RW3 Heritage/Limited Edition

    New Balance
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