
本週... 台股跌破廿年線!!! 竟... 血流成河...
而... 我的任天堂概念股... "旺宏"~ 亦連吃兩根跌停板!!!

至於... 一生一次ㄟ93軍人節...
馬總統... 對外公佈太陽報ㄟ專訪...

原來... 「國民所得3萬美元」ㄟ目標! <= 是設定在2016年完成...

伴隨著633ㄟ跳票... 股海投資信心潰散... 台指摜破6330!
借用... ROCMP後憲精神為開端... 贈陳"錢"總統...

                      於己責 | 於己親

我想... 國家領導人... 都模糊了應該有的"責任"~
至於... "局"... 儼然成為... 所謂ㄟ... "騙局"~


有時哀怨著... 自己八字總少一撇! 而且還很硬...
大同PC部門賣給精英... 精英BU3感覺... 做到沒搞頭...

想說... 郭董ㄟ八字應該... 比較硬些! 其實... 卻是...

四號股海慘賠...  股民鴻海前燒炭亡! 遺言:馬上倒...

         鴻海家族真燦爛 郭董到處在行善
         … … 
         馬上好還要看看 油價狂飆真遺憾
         物價高漲大災難 股價一直往下探

         (其實... 阿扁A錢真賭爛...)
而... Combo™漂流鴻海屆滿半年...
第一次端午獎金被捐出... (<= 四川地震!) 而... 股價由180 - > 140 

還有... 之所謂ㄟ633 (<= Combo™ㄟ憲兵梯數!)
包括經濟成長6% 國民所得3萬美元 失業率3%以下...

幾個... 關於這一週的關鍵字... "軍人節" "633" "鴻海" "股市"...

      啃!~ 我的八字真是他""的... 夠硬ㄟ...!!!       

至於... ComboStyle™唱首歌... Danielㄟ... Whole World Around

Whole World Around / Daniel Powter
Life's been good, I can't complain so far
(日子過得很舒適 目前為止無可挑剔)
Designer clothes, expensive caviar
(身穿名牌服飾 吃的是高檔的魚子醬)
And gated homes to keep the wolves at bay
(還有大門防護的住所 將洪水猛獸隔絕在外)
Tinted glass to hide my guilt and shame

Neon signs and vagrants at the door
Broken values, needles, liquor stores
(扭曲的價值觀 人們之間的仇隙 酒館裡的紙醉金迷)
Won't somebody help me to believe
(誰能幫我 讓我相信)
Help me to deny the things i see

Now whatever comes your way
(此刻 不論你過得如何)
Sometimes you win Sometimes you lose
(生命的起起落落 在所難免)
When it all comes down you make it through
(最重要的是 落難時你能否安然度過)

You got the whole world around
You got the whole world around
You got the whole world around
You got the whole world around

Something tells me not to make a scene
(有個聲音告訴我 不要得過且過)
Open up your heart and let me in
(敞開胸懷 讓我進入你的心底)

I've tried as far as enough to lead my arm in minds
(我已盡我所能不斷提醒自己 要善用自己的力量)
Receives every words I know still were saying in the skies
Take me, wake me , push me down, as long as I'm understood
(帶領我 喚醒我 鞭策我 直到我能完全明暸)
Like a soldier's view
(From the bomb to the tomb)
視死如歸 透悟生死
(The towers I forget ever knew)

Something tells me not to make a scene
(有個聲音告訴我 不要得過且過)
Open up your heart and let me in
(敞開胸懷 讓我進入你的心底)

You got the whole world around
You got the whole world around

Something tells me not to make a scene
(有個聲音告訴我 不要得過且過)
Ah~ open up your heart and let me in
(啊~敞開胸懷 讓我進入你的心底)

You got the whole world around
You got the whole world around

隨筆的最後... 就如同歌詞一般...

      Life's been good, I can't complain so far

其實... 是有些些的失望... 但不致於... 絕望!!!

           忠貞六三三梯 上兵 黃 康寶™
             時: 戊子年 處暑 @ 9/7~

         【忠 | 貞】 忠於己責 貞於己親



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